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Current Issue - July 2010, Volume 4, Issue No. 2

Official Journal of Malaysian Orthopaedic Association and ASEAN Orthopaedic Association

Conservative Treatment in Patients With Type 2 Odontoid Fracture - Functional Outcome Following Halovest Immobilization


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  12. Glatzer P, Thalhammer G, Oberleitner G, Schuster R, Vécsei V and Gaebler C. Surgical Treatment of Dens Fractures in Elderly Patients. J Bone Joint Surg (Am). 2007; 89: 1716-22.
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  14. Platzer P, Thalhammer G, Oberleitner G, Schuster R, Vécsei V and Gaebler C. Surgical Treatment of Dens Fractures in Elderly Patients. J Bone Joint Surg (Am). 2007; 89: 1716-22.
  15. Andersson S, Rodrigues M, Olerud C. Odontoid fractures: high complication rate associated with anterior screw fixation in the elderly. Eur Spine J. 2000; 9: 56-9.

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