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Current Issue - March 2012, Volume 6, Issue No. 1

Official Journal of Malaysian Orthopaedic Association and ASEAN Orthopaedic Association

Management of Intraarticular Calcaneal Fractures by Minimally Invasive Sinus Tarsi Approach-Early Results


  1. Randle JA, Kreder HJ, Stephen D, Williams J, Jaglal S, Hu R. Should calcaneal fractures be treated surgically? A meta-analysis. Clin Orthop. 2000; 377: 217-27.
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  4. Essex-Lopresti P. The mechanism, reduction technique, and results in fractures of the os calcis. Br J Surg. 1952; 39: 395-419.
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  6. Benirschke SK, Sangeorzan BJ. Extensive intraarticular fractures of the foot. Surgical management of calcaneal fractures. Clin Orthop. 1993; 292: 128-34.
  7. Carr JB. Mechanism and pathoanatomy of the intra-articular calcaneal fractures. Clin Orthop.1993; 290: 36-40.
  8. Harvey EJ, Grujic L, Early JS, Benirschke SK, Sangeorzan B. Morbidity associated with ORIF of intra-articular calcaneus fractures using a lateral approach. Foot Ankle Int. 2001; 22(11): 868-73.
  9. Ebraheim NA, Elgafy H, Sabry FF, Freih M, Abou-Chakra IS . Sinus tarsi approach with trans-articular fixation for displaced intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus. Foot Ankle Int. 2000; 21(2): 105-13.
  10. Westhues H. Eine neue Behandlungsmethode der Calcaneusfrakturen. Zugleichein Vorschlag zur Behandlung der Talusfrakturen. Zentralbl Chir 1935; 35: 995-1002.
  11. Levine DS, Helfet DL. An introduction to the minimally invasive osteosynthesis of intra-articular calcaneal fractures. Injury. 2001; 32 (1): 51-4.
  12. Rammelt S, Zwipp H.Calcaneus fractures. Facts, controversies and recent developments. Injury. 2004; 35: 443-61.
  13. Tornetta PIII. The Essex-Lopresti reduction for calcaneal fractures revisited. J Orthop Trauma. 1998; 12: 469-73.

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