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Current Issue - July 2019, Volume 13, Issue No. 2

Official Journal of Malaysian Orthopaedic Association and ASEAN Orthopaedic Association

Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Lateral Femoral Trochlea Healing after Isolated Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction: A Case Report


  1. Kramer DE, Yen Y-M, Simoni MK, Miller PE, Micheli LJ, Kocher MS, et al. Surgical management of osteochondritis dissecans lesions of the patella and trochlea in the paediatric and adolescent population. Am J Sports Med. 2015; 43(3): 654-62.
  2. Chassaing V, Tremoulet J. Plastie du ligament femoro-patellaire medial avec le tendon du gracile pour stabilisation de la patella. Rev Chir Orthopedique Reparatrice Appar Mot. 2005; 91(4): 335-40.
  3. Lording T, Lusting S, Servien E, Neyret P. Chondral Injury in Patellofemoral Instability. Cartilage. 2014; 5(3): 136-44.
  4. Pidoriano AJ, Weinstein RN, Buuck DA, Fulkerson JP. Correlation of patellar articular lesions with results from anteromedial tibial tubercle transfer. Am J Sports Med. 1997; 25(4): 533-7.
  5. Stephen JM, Kader D, Lumpaopong P, Deehan DJ, Amis AA. Sectioning the medial patellofemoral ligament alters patellofemoral joint kinematics and contact mechanics. J Orthop Res Pff Publ Orthop Res Soc. 2013; 31(9): 1423-9.

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The Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that is published three times a year in both print and electronic online version. The purpose of this journal is to publish original research studies, evaluation of current practices and case reports in various subspecialties of orthopaedics and traumatology, as well as associated fields like basic science, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation medicine and nursing.

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