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Current Issue - November 2020, Volume 14, Issue No. 3

Official Journal of Malaysian Orthopaedic Association and ASEAN Orthopaedic Association

Roadmap Out of COVID-19


  1. Zhu N, Zhang D, Wang W, Li X, Yang B, Song J, et al. A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019. N Engl J Med. 2020; 382(8): 727-33. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2001017
  2. Abu Bakar J. Singapore’s circuit breaker and beyond: Timeline of the COVID-19 reality. Channel News Asia. 2020. (accessed on 7 June 2020)
  3. Government of Singapore. What do the different DORSCON levels mean. A Singapore Government Agency Website. 2020. (accessed on 2 August 2020)
  4. Ministry of Health Singapore. Risk assessment raised to DORSCON orange. A Singapore Government Agency Website. 2020. (accessed on 9 June 2020)
  5. Cher A. Countries in lockdown should try what Singapore is doing: coronavirus expert. CNBC. 2020, (accessed on 31 October 2020)
  6. Government of Singapore. Updates on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore. A Singapore Government Agency Website. 2020. (accessed on 7 June 2020)
  7. Lim MZ. Coronavirus: Plan for new sites to house recovered migrant workers. The Straits Times. 2020. (accessed on 9 June 2020)
  8. Liang ZC, Wang W, Murphy D, Hoi JHP. Orthopaedic forum Novel Coronavirus and Orthopaedic Surgery Early Experiences from Singapore. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020; 102(9): 745-9. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.20.00236
  9. Tay KJD, Lee YHD. Trauma and orthopaedics in the COVID-19 pandemic: breaking every wave. Singapore Med J. 2020; 61(8): 396-8. doi: 10.11622/smedj.2020063
  10. Wu W, Zhang Y, Wang P, Zhang L, Wang G, Lei G, et al. Psychological stress of medical staffs during outbreak of COVID-19 and adjustment strategy. J Med Virol. 2020; 21; 10.1002/jmv.25914. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25914.
  11. Giorgi PD, Gallazzi E, Capitani P, D’Aliberti GA, Bove F, Chiara O, et al. How we managed elective, urgent, and emergency orthopedic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bone Jt Open. 2020; 1(5): 93-7. doi: 10.1302/2046-3758.15.BJO-2020-0016
  12. COVID-19 Community Mobility Report. Google. 2020. (accessed on 29 May 2020)
  13. Christey G, Amey J, Campbell A, Smith A. Variation in volumes and characteristics of trauma patients admitted to a level one trauma centre during national level 4 lockdown for COVID-19 in New Zealand. N Z Med J. 2020; 133(1513): 81-8.
  14. Remuzzi A, Remuzzi G. COVID-19 and Italy: what next?. Lancet. 2020; 395: 1225-8. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30627-9
  15. Zhan M, Qin Y, Xue X, Zhu S. Death from Covid-19 of 23 Health Care Workers in China. N Engl J Med. 2020; 382: 2267-68. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2005696
  16. Sullivan M. Singapore Sees Surge In COVID-19 Cases, Now Has Highest Number In Southeast Asia. NPR. 2020. updates/2020/04/20/838324209/singapore-sees-surge-in-covid-19-cases-now-hashighest- number-in-southeast-asia (accessed on 7 June 2020)
  17. Graphs and maps. European mortality monitoring. 2020. (accessed on 7 June 2020)
  18. Henley J. Covid-19 clusters emerge as lockdowns ease across Europe. The Guardian. (accessed on 7 June 2020)

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The Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that is published three times a year in both print and electronic online version. The purpose of this journal is to publish original research studies, evaluation of current practices and case reports in various subspecialties of orthopaedics and traumatology, as well as associated fields like basic science, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation medicine and nursing.

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