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Current Issue - November 2022, Volume 16, Issue No. 3

Official Journal of Malaysian Orthopaedic Association and ASEAN Orthopaedic Association

An Overlooked Entity in Diagnosing Hip Pain with Neuropathy in an Athletic Young Adult: A Case Report


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  3. Szendroi M, Kollo K, Antal I, Lakatos J, Szoke G. Intraarticular osteoid osteoma: clinical features, imaging results, and comparison with extraarticular localization. J Rheumatol. 2004; 31(5): 957-64
  4. May CJ, Bixby SD, Anderson ME, Kim YJ, Yen YM, Millis MB, et al. Osteoid Osteoma About the Hip in Children and Adolescents. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2019; 101(6): 486-93. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.18.00888
  5. Liu PT, Chivers FS, Roberts CC, Schultz CJ, Beauchamp CP. Imaging of osteoid osteoma with dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging. 2003; 227(3): 691-700. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2273020111

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The Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that is published three times a year in both print and electronic online version. The purpose of this journal is to publish original research studies, evaluation of current practices and case reports in various subspecialties of orthopaedics and traumatology, as well as associated fields like basic science, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation medicine and nursing.

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