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Current Issue - March 2024, Volume 18, Issue No. 1

Official Journal of Malaysian Orthopaedic Association and ASEAN Orthopaedic Association

Is Quadriceps-Strengthening Exercises (QSE) in Medial-Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis with Neutral and Varus Malalignment a Paradox? – A Risk-Appraisal of Strength-Training on Disease Progression


Introduction: The present inquiry seeks to investigate whether the current regimens of QSEs (Quadriceps-Strengthening Exercises) aggravate the disease while mitigating symptoms.

Materials and methods: A comparative study was conducted on 32 patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis of knees. While the neutral group of 16 patients was constituted of those with an anatomical-lateral-femoro-tibial-angle (aFTA) 176-180º, varus group comprised an equal number of patients with an aFTA >180º. A home-based 12-week strength-training program involving weekly visitsto hospital for supervised sessions was administered. The outcome measures were visual-analog-scale (VAS), medial patello-femoral joint tenderness (MPFJT), time-up-and-go-test (TUGT), stair-climb test, step test, WOMAC, IKDC scores, aFTA, hip-knee-ankle (HKA) angle, lateral-tibio-femoral-joint-separation (LTFJS), and horizontal-distance-from-centre-of-knee-to-Mikulicz-line.

Results: There was a significant increase in quadriceps strength (p<0.01) in both groups. Values for neutral group with VAS score (p=0.01), MPFJT (p=0.01), TUGT (p=0.01), timing of the stair climb test (p=0.01), WOMAC (p<0.01), and IKDC (p=0.03) were better compared to varus group with VAS score (p=0.13), MPFJT (p=0.03), TUGT (p=0.90), timing of stair climb test (p=0.68), WOMAC (p<0.02), and IKDC (p=0.05). Varus group also showed an increase in aFTA and LTFJS in 12 patients, increase in HKA in 11, and increase in horizontal distance from the centre of knee to the Mikulicz line in 7 patients.

Conclusion: The present study brings to the fore the paradoxical role played by QSEs in management of medial knee OA. While there is a radiological progression of the disease in both neutral and varus mal-aligned knees more so in the latter than the former.

Abstract   |   Reference

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