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Current Issue - November 2012, Volume 6, Issue No. 3

Official Journal of Malaysian Orthopaedic Association and ASEAN Orthopaedic Association



The Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Promotion of Scholarly Writing Skills and Standards in the Asia Pacific Region
A Saw


Clubfoot: The Treatment Outcome Using Quantitative Assessment of Deformity
AH Rasit, H Azani, PA Zabidah, A Merikan, BA Nur Alyana

Abstract   |   Reference

Osteoporotic Compression Fracture of Spine Treated With Posterior Instrumentation and Transpedicular Bone Grafting
Foead AI, Thanapipatsiri S, Pichaisak W, Varmvanij V

Abstract   |   Reference

Pre-Injury Demographic Patterns of Patients Sustaining Hip Fractures in Malaysia
I Isnoni, Mohamad Adam B, M Murallitharam, A Tajuddin, SP Jaya Purany, Manmohan S, Phang HF, Pan CH, Kamil MK, M Anwar Hau

Abstract   |   Reference

Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis In The Treatment Of Isolated Ulnar Bone Fractures
Suman K Shrestha, Pramod Devkota, Laxmi P Mainali

Abstract   |   Reference

Comparison Of Lateral Mass Screw Fixation Technique And Hartshill Rectangle Technique In The Treatment Of Sub-Axial Cervical Spine Fractures
Mohit KM, Ajay CS, Shashikant NN

Abstract   |   Reference

Outcome of Calcaneoplasty in Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
Lim SM, Yeap EJ, Lim YW, M Yazid

Abstract   |   Reference


Floating Shoulder: Ipsilateral Clavicle, Scapular Body And Glenoid Fracture. A Case Report
Mehmet Elmadag, Hasan H Ceylan, Kerem Bilsel, Mehmet Erdil

Abstract   |   Reference

Early Surgical Treatment of Pectoralis Major Tendon Rupture: A Case Report
Lim CT, Wee J, Lee KT

Abstract   |   Reference

Congenital Humeroradial Synostosis: A Case Report
Sandeep Nema, GS Vyas, Ashish Sirsikar, Praveen K Bhoj

Abstract   |   Reference

Management of Osteonecrosis of the Hip Complicated with Fracture: A Case Report
Chua YCJ, Wazir NN, Chiu CK, Kareem BA

Abstract   |   Reference

SLAP Lesion with Supraglenoid Labral Cyst causing Suprascapular Nerve Compression: A case report
Bryan Y Tan, Lee KT

Abstract   |   Reference


Mercer's Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma Tenth Edition
John M Flynn & Sam W Wiesel

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The Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that is published three times a year in both print and electronic online version. The purpose of this journal is to publish original research studies, evaluation of current practices and case reports in various subspecialties of orthopaedics and traumatology, as well as associated fields like basic science, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation medicine and nursing.

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